They say variety is the spice of life. Having this and that and more of the other. And hey, why settle for one thing, when you could have the best of everything.
You know, like getting going and staying still. Enjoying nature. And also nurture. And a bit of necessity.
And why not. Especially when you find yourself in the thick of it all. The smorgasbord is laid bare across 618 units. Have at it.
The Best of This and That. With a life at Tenet.
Simplifying your life with smart digital solutions.
From the moment you wake until you end the day, Smart Home is by your side as your digital butler.
Bringing essential services to your fingertips by automating safety and security, and activating devices for your comfort and convenience.
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E-Application 30 Dec 2022- 6 Jan 2023
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